Friday, January 28, 2011

Making Money on Line

Okay folks, it looks like the whole country is now playing Peter Peterson's budget ball. For those not familiar with him, Peterson is a Wall Street investment banker. He has made billions of dollars through his dealings and government subsidies, and now he is using much of this money to accomplish a lifelong quest, gutting Social Security and Medicare.

Toward this end, he has set up a fake news service (the "Fiscal Times"); he's funded scary, anti-Social Security documentaries; sponsored a set of rigged public forums (America Speaks) and even paid for the construction of a high school curriculum to indoctrinate school children. According to some accounts, he is now the largest employer in the DC area after the Pentagon.

The way Peterson's budget game works is that you get some deficit or debt target. This is against a backdrop where the baseline projections show the deficits going through the roof in 10-20 years. The reason for the exploding deficit is the projection of exploding health care costs. The US would be looking at massive budget surpluses if it had the same per person health care costs as any other wealthy country.

Under the rules of Peterson's budget ball, you are not allowed to do anything about rising health care costs. In fact, reform of the private health care system was explicitly ruled out as an option at the Peterson-funded America Speaks forums.

This means, for example, that we can't reduce prescription drug costs by adopting a more efficient mechanism for financing drug research. The Center for Medicare and Medicare Services projects that the country will spend more than $3.3 trillion on prescription drugs over the next decade. We would probably spend less than one-tenth of this amount if drugs were sold in a free market, but Peterson's budget ball doesn't let you reform the system of financing drug research. You can't even go the intermediate step of public financing of clinical trials advocated by Joe Stiglitiz, the Nobel laureate who was President Clinton's chief economist.

Peterson budget ball also doesn't let contestants take any of the other steps that could bring US health care costs more in line with costs elsewhere. This would include letting Medicare beneficiaries buy into more efficient health care systems elsewhere. This could put tens of thousands of dollars into the pockets of beneficiaries each year while saving the government trillions of dollars in the coming decades.

Nor does Peterson budget ball allow for medical tourism, which could lead to huge cost savings as people get their health care in other countries to escape our broken system. Peterson's budget ball also does not allow contestants to take down the barriers that prevent more foreigners from coming to practice medicine in the US, bringing physicians' wages here in line with the rest of the world.

Not only does Peterson's budget ball prevent contestants from fixing the health care system. He also doesn't want them to tax Wall Street speculation. This source of revenue could raise close to $1.8 trillion over the course of a decade. Virtually all of the revenue would come at the expense of the financial industry, since most investors would simply cut back their trading in response to any increase in trading fees.

And Peterson doesn't want anyone to consider the possibility that we could have the Federal Reserve Board simply hold the government bonds it is now buying, so that taxpayers are not burdened with hundreds of billions a year in additional interest payments. If the Fed held $3 trillion in bonds in 2020, offsetting the inflationary impact with higher reserve requirements, it would save the country $150 billion a year in interest.

Their argument is that we wouldn't want Congress dictating policy to the Federal Reserve Board. After all, the Fed has done such a great job. According to the claims of its chairman, Ben Bernanke, the Fed's policies brought us to the brink of a second Great Depression. With that sort of track record, how can anyone suggest making the Fed more accountable?

In short, in Peterson's budget ball, we can't make any changes that might create any serious inconvenience for the rich and powerful. We can have some small cuts in defense and modest tax increases for the rich as window dressing, but what we are left with is a massive budget deficit and nothing but Social Security, Medicare, and other social programs left to cut.

That might sound like a rigged game, but Peterson is paying for it, so he gets to set the rules. What else would we expect? The big question is whether President Obama is also playing this game. We will find out Tuesday.

Good stuff, albeit understandably similar to Ryan’s speech last night, right down to the setting and studiously soft-spoken delivery. Even so, I want to promote it as a way of patting him on the back for floating his proposal for $500 billion in cuts this year. That plan is dead on arrival, needless to say, but passing it isn’t what Paul is after. What he’s trying to do with that eyepopping number is communicate the magnitude of the problem to the public in hopes of moving the Overton window on spending — because if this new Gallup poll is right, it’s going to need a lot of moving. And not just among Democrats, either:

Not a single point’s worth of difference between Republicans and Democrats on Social Security despite fiscal responsibility having rocketed to the top of the conservative policy agenda over the past two years. I don’t know how else to account for that except as a near-catastrophic failure by prominent Republicans to explain even to their own base that eliminating earmarks and cutting NPR’s funding and canceling a pie-in-the-sky defense project or two isn’t remotely equal to the task of guaranteeing sustainability. Case in point: Not only didn’t Ryan squarely address Social Security and Medicare last night (“the politics of evasion,” Ross Douthat calls it) but even a fearless deficit hawk like Paul, speaking only to an online audience, didn’t go after them here. Anyone who’s serious about balancing the budget long-term must support entitlement reform, no matter how unpleasant the prospect might be, but rarely does the public hear that point made by a prominent politician. And the entirely predictable tragedy of last night’s SOTU, as Tom Coburn argued in his op-ed this morning, is that only leadership from the most prominent politician of all is realistically capable of moving public opinion on this — yet that leadership was almost entirely absent last night. Writes Yuval Levin of the missed opportunity, “This speech was worse than bland and empty, it was a dereliction of duty.” And here’s Matt Welch:

[T]he president, though he is much more serious on this issue than a huge swath of his political party, is nonetheless not remotely serious about this issue. Vowing to cut $400 billion over 10 years (a plan that, judging by the two people clapping when he proposed it, will likely be cut to ribbons if it survives through Congress), at a moment when the deficit for this year is more than three times that, indicates that Democrats (and a helluva lot of Republicans as well) are hunkering down in our awful status quo–half-heartedly tinkering around the edges of spending, making incremental changes this way and that, then launching new moonshots and redoubling old impotent efforts. Politicians have put us on the precipice of financial ruin, and they show no indication of doing a damned thing about it.

And I think they know it. Look at the plaintive, semi-desperate, Stuart Smalleyesque mantra Obama kept repeating at the end: “We do big things.” By his insistence his anxiety shall be revealed. We don’t do big things, America, not in the moonshotty Marshall Plan way of speechwriters’ cliche box. Increasingly, we don’t do little things, either–like keeping libraries open five days a week in California. What we do is snarf up ever-larger portions of your grandkids’ money for purposes that are usually obscure and often criminal.

Read his whole post, including and especially the concluding line. Just as I’m writing this, and as a prelude to Paul’s video, the AP is across the wires with news from CBO that its projections for Social Security were wrong: They used to believe that the program wouldn’t start running permanent deficits until 2016, but it turns out the deficits will begin this year. (We’ll likely have a separate post on that later.) Like Paul says, the day of reckoning is at hand.















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Wednesday, January 26, 2011

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Japan's Shinji Kagawa will miss Saturday's Asian Cup final in Qatar, and could be lost to first-place Borussia Dortmund of the German Bundesliga for the rest of the season.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

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Asian Cup: Bad <b>News</b> for Japan, and Dortmund -

Japan's Shinji Kagawa will miss Saturday's Asian Cup final in Qatar, and could be lost to first-place Borussia Dortmund of the German Bundesliga for the rest of the season.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

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Asian Cup: Bad <b>News</b> for Japan, and Dortmund -

Japan's Shinji Kagawa will miss Saturday's Asian Cup final in Qatar, and could be lost to first-place Borussia Dortmund of the German Bundesliga for the rest of the season.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

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Asian Cup: Bad <b>News</b> for Japan, and Dortmund -

Japan's Shinji Kagawa will miss Saturday's Asian Cup final in Qatar, and could be lost to first-place Borussia Dortmund of the German Bundesliga for the rest of the season.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


Asian Cup: Bad <b>News</b> for Japan, and Dortmund -

Japan's Shinji Kagawa will miss Saturday's Asian Cup final in Qatar, and could be lost to first-place Borussia Dortmund of the German Bundesliga for the rest of the season.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


Asian Cup: Bad <b>News</b> for Japan, and Dortmund -

Japan's Shinji Kagawa will miss Saturday's Asian Cup final in Qatar, and could be lost to first-place Borussia Dortmund of the German Bundesliga for the rest of the season.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.



Asian Cup: Bad <b>News</b> for Japan, and Dortmund -

Japan's Shinji Kagawa will miss Saturday's Asian Cup final in Qatar, and could be lost to first-place Borussia Dortmund of the German Bundesliga for the rest of the season.

Fox <b>News</b>&#39; Bret Baier: A rapping delight? - The Week

The cable-news fixture revealed some fierce hip-hop talent at a golf tournament. Is he the Eminem of political reporters?

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.

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Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

Impact of Avatar Sequels on <b>News</b> Corp Stock « Note of the Day

News Corp (NASDAQ:NWS) is a media conglomerate that competes with New York Times (NYSE:NYT), Time Warner (NYSE:TWX), Disney (NYSE:DIS), Viacom (NYSE:VIA) and CBS (NYSE:CBS) in a variety of businesses ranging from broadcasting and cable ...

eric seiger

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

Impact of Avatar Sequels on <b>News</b> Corp Stock « Note of the Day

News Corp (NASDAQ:NWS) is a media conglomerate that competes with New York Times (NYSE:NYT), Time Warner (NYSE:TWX), Disney (NYSE:DIS), Viacom (NYSE:VIA) and CBS (NYSE:CBS) in a variety of businesses ranging from broadcasting and cable ...

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Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

Impact of Avatar Sequels on <b>News</b> Corp Stock « Note of the Day

News Corp (NASDAQ:NWS) is a media conglomerate that competes with New York Times (NYSE:NYT), Time Warner (NYSE:TWX), Disney (NYSE:DIS), Viacom (NYSE:VIA) and CBS (NYSE:CBS) in a variety of businesses ranging from broadcasting and cable ...

eric seiger

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

Impact of Avatar Sequels on <b>News</b> Corp Stock « Note of the Day

News Corp (NASDAQ:NWS) is a media conglomerate that competes with New York Times (NYSE:NYT), Time Warner (NYSE:TWX), Disney (NYSE:DIS), Viacom (NYSE:VIA) and CBS (NYSE:CBS) in a variety of businesses ranging from broadcasting and cable ...

eric seiger

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

Impact of Avatar Sequels on <b>News</b> Corp Stock « Note of the Day

News Corp (NASDAQ:NWS) is a media conglomerate that competes with New York Times (NYSE:NYT), Time Warner (NYSE:TWX), Disney (NYSE:DIS), Viacom (NYSE:VIA) and CBS (NYSE:CBS) in a variety of businesses ranging from broadcasting and cable ...

eric seiger

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

Impact of Avatar Sequels on <b>News</b> Corp Stock « Note of the Day

News Corp (NASDAQ:NWS) is a media conglomerate that competes with New York Times (NYSE:NYT), Time Warner (NYSE:TWX), Disney (NYSE:DIS), Viacom (NYSE:VIA) and CBS (NYSE:CBS) in a variety of businesses ranging from broadcasting and cable ...

eric seiger
eric seiger

Probably Bad <b>News</b>: Golf Swing FAIL - Epic Fail Funny Videos and <b>...</b>

epic fail photos - Probably Bad News: Golf Swing FAIL.


KUSF In The News. Members of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors yesterday condemned the sale of KUSF's 90.3 fm frequency to an out-of-town broadcaster. The SF Weekly covers the story at some length here. ...

Impact of Avatar Sequels on <b>News</b> Corp Stock « Note of the Day

News Corp (NASDAQ:NWS) is a media conglomerate that competes with New York Times (NYSE:NYT), Time Warner (NYSE:TWX), Disney (NYSE:DIS), Viacom (NYSE:VIA) and CBS (NYSE:CBS) in a variety of businesses ranging from broadcasting and cable ...

Monday, January 24, 2011

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Make Making Money

The NFL Season is down to four teams. This coming week, two more teams will end their season just a bit early and two teams will move on to play for the coveted Lombardi Trophy in Super Bowl XLV. A ticket to the AFC Championship -- New York Jets vs. Pittsburgh Steelers -- is definitely not cheap, going for $604 on average.

If you're trying to get to Heinz Field on a "budget" it would be best if you were already in Pittsburgh so you wouldn't have to pay for airfare or a hotel. If you are living in Pittsburgh, you can sit in the "cheap seats" for $246/ticket. However, if you're living in the Tri-State area, it's going to cost you a pretty penny to get to the game. The cheapest flight from New York to Pittsburgh is a nonstop Delta flight, which will cost you $367/ticket. A 3-star hotel in Pittsburgh starts at $59 a night, so if you are staying for three nights, a hotel will cost you $177. Add that all up and Jets fans will have to pay at least $544 more than Steelers fans to get to the AFC Championship Game.


Tickets to the AFC Championship*:

• 500 Level - $252/ticket

• 100 Level - $353/ticket

• Lower End Zone - $353/ticket

• 200 Level - $371/ticket

• 50-Yard Line Lower Level - $640/ticket

• 50-Yard Line Front Row - $1,117/ticket

*Best Price for each section


• New York (LGA) to Pittsburgh on Delta - $367/ticket


• Cheapest 3-star hotel - $76/night

• Cheapest 4-star hotel - $113/night

Total: 500 Level - $252/ticket, New York (LGA) to Pittsburgh on Delta - $367/ticket, Cheapest 3-star hotel -$76/night ($228 for three nights) = $847+

Now if money is not an issue...

Tickets to the NFC Championship: 50-Yard Line, Front Row - $1,117/ticket

Airfare: New York (JFK) to Pittsburgh First Class on Delta - $841/ticket

Hotel: Omni Hotel - Premier Suite - $379/night

Total: $3,095+

For more insight on what both the Steelers and the Jets need to do to achieve success and advance to Super Bowl XLV, check out the guest commentary below from two devoted fans, and bloggers.

Steelers Keys to Victory Over the Jets

Guest commentary by Bam Morris Blitzburgh Blog. You can find Bam on Twitter at @blitzburghblog1

Expose the dark side of Sanchez: We all know it is there, even the Jets fans. He's been solid during most of his playoff games, but there's no way the Jets would want to see him down by 14 points having to air it out against the Steelers defense. The Steelers need to stop the run and make Sanchez be the difference maker.

Solid special teams: The Steelers have a bad history of blowing winnable games on special teams, mostly with poor kick coverage. This area is one of the Jets strengths and a big kick return TD might be all New York needs to walk out of Heinz Field with a ticket to Dallas.

Let Roethlisberger do what he does best: The Jets caused chaos all over the field against Tom Brady and he blinked. Ben Roethlisberger is a different beast. He thrives on making great plays out of busted ones and he needs to punch the Jets in the mouth when they come after him.

Troy Polamalu: No other safety in the league gets inside a quarterback's head like Polamalu. He didn't play during the teams last meeting and his presence alone will make Sanchez think twice on almost every pass.

Cut down the penalties: Pittsburgh was one of the most penalized teams in the league this year and can ill afford to be hit with a ton of flags, especially the costly personal foul calls that have become commonplace. This will be a physical contest, no doubt, but cooler heads need to prevail for Pittsburgh to make the Jets earn every last yard.

Jets Keys to Victory Over the Steelers

Guest commentary by Daniel Krieg of Rex Sanchez.

Dominate the Steelers O-Line: The Jets must take advantage of the Steelers beat up offensive line. If they can put the same pressure on Ben that they put on Brady, the defense will dominate.

Don't Respect the Steelers: The Jets cannot give the Steelers too much respect. They play better when they're filled with anger and hate. I hope that fire continues burning.

Do NOT trust Nick Folk: I say this every week because it's true. It's a good thing the Jets found the end zone last week because had they needed Folk he would've choked.

Play it smart on special teams:
The Jets punt returners terrify me when they let the ball bounce on kicks. I can see a nonsense fumble like that costing them the game. Also, Weatherford cannot keep booting the ball for touchbacks. Field position will be huge in this game.

Not making money as a YouTube partner? Here are some tips from YouTube itself

YouTube hosted a live event today to help partners get the most out of their YouTube revenue.

Phil Farhi of YouTube, began the event by telling partners about a few of the new initiatives that YouTube is working on, to help make partners as successful as possible. He started by bringing us through the history of advertising on YouTube.

Phil mentioned that just 3 short years ago, YouTube began using in-video and overlay ads, the first step in monetizing videos. And following the first format of ads, YouTube brought Ad Sense ads, enabling smaller advertisers/customers to get on board, allowing YouTube to capture a broader range of advertisers.

Next came in-Stream Ads (mid and pre-roll ads), a format that was launched about two years ago. YouTube said this has been popular because advertisers will pay more for ads that are similar to the format on TV. At almost the same time, promoted ads were introduced and it was proven to drive traffic to videos that were featured using the ‘promoted video’ format.

A few months ago, a new ad format for partners called TrueView was rolled-out. This format lets users watching a video skip the ad after five seconds. An ad format that YouTube says is less interruptive and doesn’t risk annoying your audience because it gives them the chance to hit stop.

Phil asked the question “ What makes a movie a successful?” Using the movie industry as an analogy, he went on to explain that there are many factors that come into play that make up the overall picture; ticket prices, seats filled, distribution etc. It’s the same with YouTube as he pointed out. Partners shouldn’t look at one aspect such as RPM (revenue per thousand page views) or CPM (cost per thousand, as an example $1 or $5 per thousand views), they should look at everything including geography.

A few points to take away

Good partners focus on overall revenue and aren’t fixated on “ticket price”. They also work hard at building a strong audience as well as trying to increase views. Good partners look at geography, RPM and CPM.

Bad partners look at the wrong metrics and don’t build up their audience. Partners who only focus on RPM might think everything is fine however, it’s critical that users concentrate on CPM as well and continue to build audience loyalty.

YouTube says advertisers are creating content that competes with user content, and millions of users are watching advertisements on the site. Think about the popularity of Superbowl ads.

Keep experimenting! Compare ad formats by type and geography and play around with different scenarios. Try enabling ads after your loyal audience has seen them or try it in reverse. Play with different recipes and see what happens when ad formats are enabled/disabled. There is a wide variety of ways to make revenue.

Take a good look at revenue break downs and compare formats; True View, in-Stream, etc.

Better reporting for ad formats coming soon. YouTube admits that partners don’t have the best reporting feature right now.

YouTube will be adding an option for partners to opt-in to just TrueView Ads without needing to be signed up with other formats.

Ensure the metadata on videos have the correct information and enough words to help YouTube’s algorithm bring the best targeted ads to your videos

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

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AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

bench craft company reviews bench craft company reviews

AMERICAblog <b>News</b>: WikiLeaks: Middle East peace process exposes <b>...</b>

All the US government was interested in, Erekat went on, was "PR, quick news, and we're cost free", ending up with the appeal: "What good am I if I'm the joke of my wife, if I'm so weak?" | Facebook | Reddit | Digg | StumbleUpon ...

Results: WMUR, ABC <b>News</b>, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll » WMUR Political Scoop

Here are the results from the WMUR, ABC News, NH GOP 2012 Straw Poll that was conducted today at the NH GOP annual meeting held at Pinkerton Academy in Derry. Nearly 500 republicans were eligible to vote, and 273 of them cast ballots. ...

Why Fox <b>News</b> Should Hire Keith Olbermann When His Non-Compete <b>...</b>

The traditional broadcast news divisions? NBC's out, and of the other two, one's owned by Disney, and at the other one Dan Rather attacking George Bush was too controversial. Olbermann is an incendiary Rather hopped up on ego and ...

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Forum Making Money

I spent two weeks of December in Chile as a guest of Professor Cristóbal García, Director of EmprendeUC at the Catholic University of Chile, which just signed up a 3-year collaboration partnership with Stanford’s Technology Ventures Program.

I did a keynote on innovation hubs at the newly created DoFuture program, spoke at Santiago’s Startup Weekend on Customer and Agile Development, and at a Conference in Patagonia supported by the Ministry of Economy’s Innovation Division.

I got smarter about the world outside of Silicon Valley, met some wonderful people who made me feel part of their family and shared some thoughts about entrepreneurship.

This post is a personal view of what I saw in what I call “Chilecon Valley” — in no way does it represent the views of the fine institutions I teach at.

Read this with all the usual caveats: visiting a place for a few weeks doesn’t make you an expert (heck I’ve lived in Silicon Valley for over 30 years and I’m still surprised), I’m not an economist, and the odds are I misunderstood or misinterpreted what I saw or just didn’t see enough.

Creating the Next Silicon Valley – The Chilean Experiment
Chile has decided that it wants to be an innovation hub in South America.

In my short time in Chile, I spent time meeting with:

  • Chilean entrepreneurs; as part of Santiago’s Startup Weekend as well as EmprendeUC-DUOC New Ventures Contest Awards ceremony.

  • The government; the Innovation Division of the Ministry of Economy, the Chilean Economic Development Agency, (CORFO) which sponsored Start-Up Chile and Do Future in Patagonia as well as Fundacion Chile, the main R&D agency and the National Innovation Council.

  • Universities; including the business, design and engineering schools in the Catholic University of Chile who are hard at work teaching and encouraging their students to think big and to start companies.

  • Independent non profits such as the Innovation Forum, encouraging entrepreneurship and innovation in education.

The good news:
Entrepreneurship and innovation is being talked about continually in Chile. This isn’t some small-time effort. The country is dead serious in all levels of government and universities about making this happen. They’ve been thinking hard and smart about the lessons to be learned not only from Silicon Valley, but with only 16 million people, they are also looking for lessons from other small innovation clusters such as Israel, Singapore and Finland. These countries are great models of countries too small to sustain startups of scale on just domestic consumption yet have managed to create innovation with a global reach.

What needs work:
As an outsider I was incredibly impressed with how far Chile has progressed in making the country an innovation hub. However, I had questions about the challenges that still needed to be addressed.

Venture Capital
Perhaps it was just who I was meeting, but for a country so focused on innovation and startups the lack of venture capitalists was noticeable. Given the interesting things going on in the engineering labs I visited and the startups I met, one would have thought the place would have been crawling with VC’s fighting over deals. Instead it felt like the government – through CORFO - was doing most of the risk capital investing. Given that great VC’s are much, much more than just a bag of money, this means that startups lack experienced board members with practical experience. There seemed to be very few who knew how to coach entrepreneurs and to build companies. Finally, it wasn’t clear if everyone was on the same page; that for a Chilean startup to scale it was going to have to reach past Chile and go global. There seemed to be few tools, techniques and strategies to do so.

A sign of progress will be when some of the CORFO guys leave the government and start their own VC firms.

Corporate Connections
Entrepreneurship in Chile seems to be disconnected from the country’s largest industries and core resources. The clearest example is the country’s copper mining industry, which contributes 20% of the Chilean Gross Domestic Product. (Chile produces 35% of the world’s mined cooper.) The largest company, the state-run Chilean National Copper Corp CODELCO, has $23 billion in sales. Yet the copper companies import nearly 100% of the advanced technology they use. Interestingly, CODELCO is required to contribute 10% of its revenues to the armed forces, but the mining industry seems to have little or no connection with innovation and entrepreneurship efforts in universities and startups. (Perhaps it’s because the Ministry responsible for Mining is separate from the Ministry responsible for the Economy and Innovation.)

I suggested that Chile’s mining industry could contribute to building innovation leadership by funding a multi-tiered initiative in the country’s leading universities:

  1. Professional management training (obvious and immediate payback)

  2. Applied engineering (top 10 annual challenges from the mining companies)

  3. Basic research (copper based materials science, robotics, materials handling)

Small Business versus Scalable Startup versus Corporate Entrepreneurship
There’s confusion in both the Government and Universities about the difference between small business entrepreneurship (startups designed to be family businesses,) scalable startup entrepreneurship (startups designed from day one to scale big inside Chile and then expand globally) and corporate entrepreneurship.

I suggested that they think about educating (and funding) each class of entrepreneurs differently and realize different regions of Chile have different needs.  In Santiago the concept that startups are not smaller versions of large companies and traditional business school classes and methods don’t apply, is starting to take hold and will help shape how they educate entrepreneurs. In contrast, over lunch with the governor of Ultima Esperanza (the “Last Hope” province on the Southern tip of Chile,) it became clear that there’s a pressing need for training and education in small business entrepreneurship, dramatically different then the scalable startup education wanted in Santiago.

These three types of entrepreneurship need to be explicitly recognized, encouraged and managed.

A Magnet For Talent
My sense is that Chile has not yet “declared a major.” Saying that you support entrepreneurship and innovation is a start, but the sentence needs to be finished. Entrepreneurship and innovation in what field?  Where will Chile establish technical and innovative leadership?  Is the only way they will attract talent by paying entrepreneurs to come to the country? Or will students and entrepreneurs come to Chile because it is one of the best places in the world for innovation in certain specific industries (pick your favorite – alternative energy? materials science? food science? cellulose outputs? video games and film? South American web commerce hub? automated mining? UAV’s? etc.)

Already there are multiple centers of excellence in the engineering schools in Santiago with strong entrepreneurial professors. Yet no dean, provost or government minister seems to want to issue a declarative sentence that says, “For the next five years we’re going to focus on building world-class leadership in these three areas.” (Perhaps because the cost of a public failure is so high in Chile. See below.)

I suggested that what seems to be missing is a stated goal for Chile to become a magnet for talent in specific domains. Why will people from South America stream to Chile, besides its magnificent geography?  In what fields will Chile’s universities and entrepreneurial culture create such an irresistible pull?

A Culture that does not accept failure
Chileans I met were concerned that their culture was not accepting of business and/or personal failure. This is not the land of second chances where failure means you are an experienced entrepreneur. Partially due to a lack of bankruptcy or commercial courts, the bankruptcy process in Chile is draconian. In discussions with accounting and financial professionals, I learned that getting caught up in it feels like a Dickens’s novel, it can take years to shut down a company.

In addition, in Chile the cost of personal failure is high. If you fail, you’ve failed your family, your community and your country. As a result, societal pressures favor people who avoid risky ventures. Because its entrepreneurs are unlikely to make commitments or definitive statements which they know might be risky, i.e. “we’re going to be a leader in our market” or “our startup will be $100 million in five years,” Chile can’t foster the “reality distortion field” that underlies a dynamic entrepreneurial culture.

I suggested that perhaps using a science analogy could help change Chilean perspectives about the risk and experimentation it takes to build new ventures. Entrepreneurship and incubators could be described as an “Innovation Laboratory”  - similar to a scientific laboratory where entrepreneurs develop and test hypothesis (iterative guesses) about new business models. And like science, starting a new venture is not a linear process but one that involves failures, dead ends and changes in direction.

Lessons From the Valley
At one of my presentations the audience was a mix of deans of multiple schools at Catholic University, government officials from the Ministry of the Economy, active entrepreneurs and students. I offered that Silicon Valley’s rise was serendipitous, that you can’t reverse engineer an accidental Entrepreneurial Cluster formed in the Cold War. However, we can point out the elements that made our valley successful, and point out the ones that may be helpful in Chile; the role of Universities and defense-driven university R&D, the rise of venture capital, a failure-tolerant culture and the emerging science of entrepreneurial education. Slides 22, 36, 97 and 117 are the key points.


Come To Chilecon Valley
If you’re serious about understanding centers of entrepreneurship outside the U.S., Chile is now one of the required stops. The progress in the last few years has been nothing short of outstanding.

I’ll be back.

Lessons Learned

  • Chile is trying to engineer an entrepreneurial cluster as a National policy

  • They’ve gotten off to a good start with a committed Ministry of the Economy

  • The universities are on board with passionate faculty and excited students

  • The country needs to build a deeper Venture Capital industry

  • Chilean core industries need to view entrepreneurship as an asset, and technological innovation as an opportunity to leap forward

  • Second chances are hard to come by in current Chilean business climate and culture

The next chairman of the Republican National Committee will face a debilitating debt, several of the candidates running for the post said during a candidate forum Monday, offering a stinging, if mostly implicit, indictment of incumbent Michael Steele.

In an hour and a half long gathering sponsored by three conservative organizations, candidates seeking the chairmanship said the next person to assume that office needs to spend the next two years rebuilding the RNC's credibility with major donors who can help prop up the ailing committee.

"It's time for some tough love at the Republican National Committee," said Ann Wagner, the former RNC co-chairman and ambassador to Luxembourg under President George W. Bush. Wagner said the RNC is "steeped in mismanagement, distractions and drama."

The RNC ended the 2010 election cycle with at least $20 million in debt, according to internal estimates. That stands in stark contrast with previous cycles over the last decade, most of which the RNC began in the black. Steele's critics have blamed the incumbent chairman for neglecting major donors, costing the party millions.

"We have to practice what we preach as Republicans, and we have to get our debt under control," said former Bush administration official Maria Cino, who has worked at or with the RNC for the better part of three decades.

"We're going to start out this cycle with one of the largest debts we've ever had. We're going to need to raise $20 million before we can start banking money," added Saul Anuzis, the former Michigan Republican Party chairman making his second run for the top post. "With this unprecedented debt, this is going to be a major challenge with respect to rebuilding our credibility."


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Apple stock dips on <b>news</b> of Steve Jobs&#39; medical leave | VentureBeat

Dean previously worked at the San Jose Mercury News, the Wall Street Journal, the Red Herring, the Los Angeles Times, the Orange County Register and the Dallas Times Herald. He is the author of two books, Opening the Xbox and the Xbox ...

Knight Science Journalism Tracker » Blog Archive » Mammoths <b>news</b> <b>...</b>

“Japanese scientists attempt to resurrect Mammoth” shouted the news agency AFP (source: The online version of the Japanese newspaper “Yomiuri Shimbun”: Daily Yomiuri Online). The article lacks any hints about the major hurdles of such ...

Friday, January 14, 2011

Moms Making Money

The movie, Race to Nowhere, has brought new attention to education and student motivation. I hope that this film inspires dialogue about what school could become.

As Seth Godin says in his 2010 book, Linchpin, Are you Indispensible?, the sign outside school could read, “We teach people to take initiative and become remarkable artists, to question the status quo and to interact with transparency. And our graduates understand that consumption is not the answer to social problems.”

I want to work at a school like that! What child does not want to go to a school as Godin describes: “What they should teach in school: Only two things: 1. Solve interesting problems. 2. Lead.”

Kierkegaard once said, “We create ourselves by our choices.” Our children and our students are making choices based on our examples.

In Terry McMillan's 2010 sequel to Waiting to Exhale called Getting to Happy, 15 ½-year-old Sparrow tells her mom, “Most of the kids at my school get their meds from their parents’ and grandparents’ medicine cabinet."

We are aware that some children are doing homework until late in the night and taking pills to stay up. How big of a problem is it? Another character, 14-year-old Taylor says, “I looked in your side table and I saw your little pharmacy ....all of [my mom’s] scripts were on display in the medicine cabinet. This is where most of my friends get their stash to sell at school for spending money.”

Jason McDonald, an instructional designer, and academic researcher states that "for high school and college there is evidence that the race we've entered our kids in is damaging them in important ways." 

For college student information, he recommends reading My Freshman Year, the report of an anthropologist who went "native" as a college freshman and recorded her experiences.

Continued on the next page

@MikeBulger Read this article in French

The Health Benefits Of Raw Milk

From Grass-Fed Animals

By Ron Schmid, ND

In 1970, I went to live on the island of Martha's Vineyard. I was quite ill with gastrointestinal problems. I began living mostly on seafood, fresh vegetables and salads, and raw milk and eggs purchased from a local farmer, with a little meat and whole grain bread. My health problems, which had been intractable for years, disappeared.

Raw milk remained a mainstay of my diet. Since 1981 I have strongly recommended raw milk to thousands of people who have seen me in my practice as a naturopathic physician. I practice in Connecticut, where we enjoy the right to purchase certified raw milk throughout the state (with the exception of the town of Fairfield, where a fascist local health board has instituted an unchallenged-for-lack-of-funds town ordinance prohibiting the sale of raw milk.)

The raw milk available in the part of Connecticut where I live is from Debra Tyler's farm in Cornwall Bridge, called "Local Farm." Debra has nine cows on fourteen acres. Eight health food stores in central and northern Connecticut pick up milk regularly at Local Farm. There are about a dozen other certified raw milk dairies among Connecticut's 210 dairy farms.

Debra has Jersey cows. Most farms have Holsteins, which provide large quantities of milk, but milk that is lower in protein, fat and calcium. Jerseys were originally bred by the French to produce milk for
cheese making. The fat content of Debra's milk during the warm months is about 4.8 percent, well above the normal 3.5 percent for whole milk. Debra's cows eat mostly grass in the spring, summer and fall, and mostly hay in the winter (each cow consumes a forty pound bale a day!), with a few pounds a day of ground corn and roasted soybeans (five to one corn to soybeans ratio).

Local Farm milk is certified organic. Certification costs several hundred dollars a year in fees and considerable paperwork. It also means that Debra must sometimes pay more for certified feed from faraway places than for locally produced feed she knows to be organic but which is not certified. This raises the question-if you know and trust the local farmers who produce your food, does it really have to be certified?


The last time the right of the people of Connecticut to purchase raw milk was seriously threatened was in 1994 when the state Environmental Committee held public hearings on the certification of raw milk, before voting almost unanimously to continue licensing new farms and allowing raw milk to be sold. I testified at those hearings. My testimony was framed to respond to objections to raw milk raised by the state health department and to document the benefits of raw milk. To quote from that testimony:

"The state epidemiologist writes that 'It has yet to be demonstrated that raw milk has any beneficial health effects. . . ' He cites articles attached to his letter. In one article, 'Unpasteurized Milk, The Hazards of a Health Fetish' (Journal of the American Medical Association, 10/19/84), the authors make a series of misstatements about the research of Francis Pottenger before concluding that raw milk has no health benefits. I detail these charges as follows in the paper I've given the members of the Committee.

"Now what Pottenger actually did in some of his experiments is this. He used four groups of cats. All received for one-third of the diet raw meat. The other two-thirds of the diet consisted in either raw milk or various heat-treated milks. The raw milk/raw meat diet produced many generations of healthy cats. Those fed pasteurized milk showed skeletal changes, decreased reproductive capacity and infectious and degenerative diseases.

"Now just who was Francis Pottenger? He was the son of the physician who founded the once famous Pottenger Sanatorium for treatment of tuberculosis in Monrovia, California. He completed his residency at Los Angeles County Hospital in 1930 and became a full-time assistant at the Sanatorium. From 1932 to 1942, he also conducted what became known as the Pottenger Cat Study.

"In 1940, he founded the Francis M Pottenger, Jr. Hospital at Monrovia. Until closing in 1960, the hospital specialized in treating non-tubercular diseases of the lung, especially asthma.

"Dr. Pottenger was a regular and prolific contributor to the medical and scientific literature. He served as president of several professional organizations, including the Los Angeles County Medical Association, the American Academy of Applied Nutrition and the American Therapeutic Society. He was a member of a long list of other professional organizations.

"Pottenger's experiments met the most rigorous scientific standards. His outstanding credentials earned him the support of prominent physicians. Alvin Foord, MD, Professor of Pathology at the University of Southern California and pathologist at the Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena, co-supervised with Pottenger all pathological and chemical findings of the study.

"One particular question that Pottenger addressed in his study is one that modern science has largely ignored. It has to do with the nutritive value of heat-labile elements-nutrients destroyed by heat and available only in raw foods.

"In his article 'Clinical Evidences of the Value of Raw Milk,' Pottenger writes: 'Some of the factors transmitted by milk are thermo-labile [sensitive to heat]. Though their destruction may not produce death, their deficiency may prevent proper development of the child. This may show in the development of an inadequate skeleton or a decrease in resistance. . . . delay in development of osseous centers is noted more frequently in those children. . . receiving heat treated milk. It is particularly absent from the raw milk fed children. . . . I am basing this discussion on analysis of 150 children whose parents have consulted me because of respiratory allergies. Many other workers. . . have also shown that treating milk by heating interferes with its proper assimilation and nutritional qualities. . . . The best milk from a nutritional standpoint is raw milk. . . . Heat-treating milk interferes with calcium metabolism causing. . . delay in bone age and small bones. . . . The interference with calcium metabolism as shown in the bones is only a physiological index of disturbed metabolism throughout the body.'

"I have prescribed raw milk from grass-fed animals to my patients for nearly fifteen years. Time and again I have seen allergies clear up and dramatically improved health. Particularly in children, middle ear infections usually disappear and do not recur on raw milk. Both children and adults unable to drink pasteurized milk without problems have thrived on raw milk. In hundreds-perhaps thousands-of my patients using raw milk, not one has ever developed a salmonella, campylobacter, or other raw-milk-related infection.

"In the letter cited above, the state epidemiologist states that 'The processes of certification and/or inspection do not guarantee that raw milk will not be contaminated with pathogenic organisms.' He also lists a host of microorganisms that are alleged to be transmitted by raw milk, not mentioning that, as the literature accompanying his letter makes clear, the only organisms even potentially associated with the consumption of certified raw milk are salmonella and campylobacter. And in one of the articles he cites, 'The Hazard in Consuming Raw Milk' (in The Western Journal of Medicine), the authors actually state that 'Salmonella and campylobacter diseases in humans are generally not serious. But in persons with compromised health (particularly those with malignant conditions and immunosuppressed by disease or therapy), these infections may be serious.'

"So, the gist of the state's argument against certified raw milk is that it might possibly on isolated occasions cause serious disease in some people whose immune systems have been compromised by the toxic effects of chemotherapy. And because of this very slight risk, those of us who might choose to drink certified raw milk for the benefits I have catalogued should be denied that right."

Fortunately, the members of the Environmental Committee saw through the shallowness of the state's argument and voted in favor of raw milk.

Milk in History and Evolution

Not everyone agrees that milk should be part of the human diet after infancy. The argument is made that just as all other species drink no milk after weaning, neither should we, especially that of another species. Many adults have difficulty digesting pasteurized milk, and allergies to pasteurized milk products are common. While this lends credence to arguments against milk, such reactions are usually due to pasteurization itself and the poor quality of conventionally produced milk and milk products. While for some individuals genetic influences play a role, for most people, the body's reaction to milk depends largely upon the quality and state of the particular milk used.

The Swiss of the Loetschental Valley were one of the few native groups Weston Price studied that used milk. (The others were certain African tribes, including the Masai.) The Swiss valley-dwellers used raw whole milk, both fresh and cultured, cheese and butter, all in substantial quantities. The milk was from healthy, grass-fed animals and was used unpasteurized and unhomogenized. Such foods clearly can play a major role in a health-building program for the individual genetically enabled to utilize these foods well. They are a rich source of fat-soluble vitamins A and D and other crucial nutrients in short supply in diets lacking in high quality animal fats. (Contrary to popular opinion, liberal amounts of animal fats, particularly from grass-fed animals, are essential for good health and resistance to disease.)

Yet it is possible to attain optimal health without dairy foods. Price discovered groups using no dairy foods that had complete resistance to dental decay and chronic disease; their diets invariably included other rich sources of animal fats, calcium and other minerals. The soft ends of long bones were commonly chewed, and the shafts and other bones were used in soups.

Modern medicine has discovered the importance of a substantial intake of calcium. Several recent studies have linked high blood pressure and other problems to chronic subclinical calcium deficiency, including increased incidence of colon and prostate cancers in men and osteoporosis and osteoarthritis in both men and women. Paradoxically, other problems are associated with high consumption of dairy foods; this has not gone unnoticed by researchers, nutritionists and holistic physicians.

The difference between fresh raw milk from grass-fed cows and processed milk explains the paradox. This concept has not been considered in attempts by today's medical community to explain the health effects of dairy foods.

Domesticated animals were first used for milk eight to ten thousand years ago, as a genetic change affecting mostly people in Europe, the Middle East and parts of Africa enabled them to digest milk as adults. Milk from domesticated animals then began to become important as a human food. With domestication and settlement, fewer wild animals were available; as groups of people roamed less, they hunted less, eating more grains and vegetables. In some cultures, milk replaced animal bones as the chief source of calcium and some other minerals.

In indigenous cultures where adults used milk, often it was used as cultured or clabbered milk. This is similar to homemade raw yogurt, and it is partially predigested-much of the lactose (milk sugar) has been broken down by bacterial action. This process must be accomplished over a period of several hours in the stomach when one drinks fresh milk; yogurt or clabbered milk is much more easily digested than fresh milk.

Adaptations in evolution are always the effects of particular causes. Humans developing the ability to digest milk into adulthood possessed a survival advantage; such changes are the basis of evolution. Put simply, many human beings evolved the ability to easily digest raw milk because raw milk from healthy, grass-fed animals gave them an adaptive advantage; it made them stronger and more able to reproduce. Such milk remains a wonderful food that provides us with fat-soluble nutrients, calcium and other minerals that are by and large in short supply in the modern diet.

In the six years since I presented the testimony quoted above, I have become more convinced than ever of the value and importance of raw milk in the diets of people of all ages. For many of the people who eat in the manner I recommend, raw milk is the chief source of enzymes. I believe enzymes are a critical component in recovering from disease and establishing and maintaining health. Hundreds of people I've seen have used Local Farm raw milk as an essential part of their naturopathic treatment.

There isn't a day that goes by that I'm not thankful that I live in a state where bureaucrats and medical monopolists have not stripped us of what should be an inalienable, constitutional right. I mean the right to purchase raw milk and other healthy, locally produced foods directly from the people who produce them.

It's impossible to overestimate the importance of the work Debra Tyler and farmers like her are doing. I long to see the day when all Americans have the right to purchase locally produced raw milk, meat, fowl and other farm products directly from the farmers who produce them. I hope to see the day when the current yoke of prohibitions and bureaucratic red tape will be thrown off, and we once again will be free to produce and consume truly healthy foods. The men and women who founded this country did not intend for commercial interests to control the food supply and thus our health. These are rights of the people, and they are rights that have been stripped away. We need to work together to regain them.


About Ron Schmid

Dr. Ron Schmid has practiced as a licensed naturopathic physician in Connecticut since graduating from the National College of Naturopathic Medicine in 1981. A graduate of the Massachusetts Institute of Technology as well, he has taught courses and seminars in nutrition at all four of the accredited naturopathic medical schools in the United States. He served for a year as the first Clinic Director and Chief Medical Officer at the University of Bridgeport College of Naturopathic Medicine. He is a member of the American Association of Naturopathic Physicians and the Connecticut Society of Naturopathic Physicians, and is on the Honorary Board of the Weston A. Price Foundation. He is also the manufacturer of 100% pure, additive free nutritional supplements. Dr. Schmid is the author of Traditional Foods Are Your Best Medicine, first published in 1986. more

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Turns out you'll have to wait a bit longer to see The Daily, Rupert Murdoch's long-awaited iPad news service. Apple and News Corp. have made a joint decision to push back next week's planned launch. The delay is supposed to give Apple ...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

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Monday, January 10, 2011

Making Money With Options

Luck's father, Oliver, says the decision was based purely on "staying in a place he loves, playing beside teammates he adores and getting the degree he covets." Perhaps, I can relate to Luck better than some because I have the perspective of a 19-year-old high school senior that wants nothing more than to be in college right now instead of high school.

Being a senior in high school is not a horrible experience by any means, but right now, if I could be anywhere I wanted, I would be a second-semester freshman in college. Maybe a lot of high school seniors say that, but I am in my 14th consecutive year at the same independent private school. I have gone to school with more or less the same people for that entire time. I am ready to change schools, take some new classes, meet new people, and leave home. So when Andrew Luck announced he wanted to stay at school instead of going pro, I totally understood how he felt. I wouldn't want to leave school either.

On another note, even though the current NFL Collective Bargaining situation reported influenced Luck's decision very little, it is still a major issue worth examining in the context of Luck's decision. A major crticism of Luck is that he will lose tens of millions of dollars for not turning pro.

On the surface, that is almost guaranteed to be true even if his draft stock doesn't go down at all, and he doesn't get hurt playing for Stanford next year or the year after that because the new CBA realistically has to have a rookie payscale, which would result in Luck receiving a significantly smaller salary than the one he would have gotten had he gone pro this year.

But a closer analysis of the broad financial picture reveals that Luck made a sensible decision that very few big-time college athletes are capable of making. Assuming Luck gets his architectural design degree, he will still be set up to make good money regardless of what happens to his football career.

If something bad happens, he has a college degree to fall back on. If he plays for 20 years and makes more money than most of us will see in our lives, then he will have options for a real job beyond football if he wants to leave. Most former players who don't want to coach or don't make good coaches and don't have enough education, end up on the street because they spend too much money during their playing careers. By getting a degree, Luck assures himself that he will not share that future.

Andrew Luck has the right ideas of how to build a successful future. The rest of the world of big-time college athletics should take notice. And his critics should think twice before saying anything.

Otto Greule Jr/Getty Images

It was only a couple months ago that the Rangers were (near) the top of the baseball world.  They fulfilled their role as David, when slaying the Goliath Yankees, and endeared themselves to millions of baseball fans across the country with their love of all things hustle.

But things changed for the Rangers in a New York minute (you knew that New York would get back in the discussion) when Cliff Lee, their undisputed ace, shocked the baseball world and fled back to Philadelphia.  Just like that, the Rangers rotation—a strength—turned into a weakness.  Panic spread across Texas.

So they did what any right-minded club would do—go sign the next biggest name available.  Because if you can't have the prom queen, you should at least get her still cute best friend...right?  Except in this case, it's wrong...very wrong.

The Rangers are closing in on signing 3B Adrian Beltre to a 6-year, $96 million dollar deal that frankly makes, well, no sense.  There are definitely positives to Beltre—he's coming off a big season, he's one of the best fielding third baseman (and players) in all of baseball, and he does have a power bat.  But for the few reasons that the deal does make some sense, there are many more reasons why it doesn't. 

Why?  Let's break it down:

  • Beltre will be 32 years old a week into the season—not ancient—but definitely edging towards the downside of his career.  On top of that, this will be his 14th season.  If there's such a thing as a "young" veteran, Beltre isn't it.  Do you really see this guy still going strong when he's in his 17th, 18th or 19th year of his career (or the second half of his contract)?
  • In 13 previous seasons, Beltre has made the postseason ONCE!  That was in 2004-2005, while still with the Dodgers.  Beltre's line was .267 AVG, one RBI, zero extra-base hits, three K's, zero BB's—a series that saw the Dodgers lose handily to the Cardinals in four games.  For the record, that was the same year he had his breakout season, when he finished second in the NL MVP race.
  • Beltre is notorious for having big years in the last year of his contract (see 2004 with Dodgers, 2010 with Boston).  I think we saw with Seattle what happens when the guy isn't as motivated to play for the next big contract
  • Texas is a SMALL market team.  Giving an aging player a deal averaging $16 million a year is ABSURD.  Look at the Yankees with A-Rod.  A-Rod is making $30 million a year for the next eight seasons, yet is already being hampered with injuries.  Throwing this amount of money at guys over 30 years old with 10+ years of experience is a huge risk, especially for a team like Texas. 
  • As a team, Texas had a salary of around $55 million last year, which ranked 26th in the majors.  That means that they're going to give Beltre a contract that composes nearly 29 percent of their salary from last season.  
  • How was this the price set for Beltre this offseason?  Carlos Gonzalez—a much younger OF coming off a major season, who has more upside than Beltre,  just agreed to a seven-year, $80 million deal with Colorado.  Are we to believe that Beltre is worth $16 million more (and a year less) than CarGo?
  • Where is Michael Young going?  Remember, your CURRENTLY highest-paid player who JUST HAPPENS to play third base.  He has three more years left on his deal, worth $48 million.  Are the Rangers ready to eat $16 million a year for Young to have Beltre play the same position?  Young is 34 years old and has a big contract for the next three seasons.  What team is going to be willing to eat that amount of money while taking Young on the downside of his career?  On top of that, Young has a no-trade clause in his contract with 22 teams on it, further limiting the options the Rangers have with him. 

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...

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AOL Hires Fox <b>News</b> Vet To Double Traffic By End Of Winter

This might actually be a smart move - the audience is exactly what "wtfinator" described. The news team there is often called out for leaning left in the comments on any stories posted on Plays to their core. ...

Transfer <b>news</b>: Arsenal to move for Gary Cahill or Per Mertesacker <b>...</b>

With Squillaci and Vermaelen injured, Wenger admits a centre-back is a January priority.

TaxProf Blog: 2011 Tax <b>News</b>

TaxProf Blog provides resources, news, and information for law school tax professors. It is not affiliated with Auto Didactix LLC's TaxProf, a software-based tutorial for law students in the federal income tax course. ...